Thursday, July 29, 2010

Locations of Kusagakure


Main article: Kannabi Bridge
The Kannabi Bridge (神無毘橋, Kannabi-kyō; Literally meaning "Bridge Where the Gods Do not Help") was a large bridge, spanning a river somewhere in Kusagakure. During the Third Great Shinobi War, this bridge was a vital part of Iwagakure's line of supply. Team Minato, led by newly-promoted jōnin Kakashi Hatake, were given the mission of destroying it. They eventually succeeded with the aid of the team's official leader, Minato Namikaze, although it did cost the life of Obito Uchiha.
Tenchi Bridge
Main article: Tenchi Bridge
The Tenchi Bridge (天地橋, Tenchi-kyō; Literally meaning "Heaven and Earth Bridge") is located somewhere in Kusagakure, spanning a deep ravine. It was here that Team Kakashi, led by Yamato, were to meet up with one of Akatsuki-member Sasori's spies, Kabuto Yakushi.
The country Kusagakure resides in is currently unknown, but similar to Amegakure, the country has been called Land of Grass (草の国, Kusa no Kuni) by fans.
Some fans believe the Akatsuki member Zetsu is from this village based on his venus-flytrap plant appearance. However, his lack of a Grass headband with a slash mark is against this theory. Also, in the 3rd data book, Zetsu's profile section leaves his village of origin blank for unknown reasons. Also, in the card game, Zetsu's card states he orginates from Konohagakure.
Minato Namikaze and his son, Naruto Uzumaki, have both destroyed a bridge in this land.

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